Natti Vogel returns with an all-star chamber orchestra forged among classically-trained, genre-fluid musician friends to disrupt societal norms surrounding music and present a uniquely emotive, seductive sound unhampered by class or cultural conditioning.

December 15, 2023
7:30 pm
This event has passed

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After a sold-out world premiere of this show at Joe’s Pub and a full four years since performing at National Sawdust, New York’s own inimitable singer-songwriter-composer and showman Natti Vogel returns with an all-star chamber orchestra forged among classically-trained, genre-fluid musician friends to disrupt societal norms surrounding music and present a uniquely emotive, seductive sound unhampered by class or cultural conditioning. Through passionate ritual, disciplined chaos and community-building, they present a bold and sexy vision for the post-pandemic live concert. By evening’s end, digital natives will become belles of the ball, and even the stuffiest concertgoer will leave feeling like a #FreeAssBitch.

In an airbrushed, auto-tuned era, “stunning, infectious” (Billboard) “genre-bending” (BroadwayWorld)“sticky-sweet pop star” (PAPER) Natti Vogel has to be seen up-close to be believed.

Vogel's debut, the orchestral, saucy "Serving Body" was hailed by OUT, Billboard, Huffington Post, and more as an inimitable and masterful must-listen.

His viral music video, Brown Rice was a nominee for Queerty's Best Music Video of 2018, and PAPER magazine included his song, I Don't Want to Find the One on their list of Top 100 Songs of 2018 next to Beyoncé and Jay-Z.

But Vogel's passionate following owes itself mostly to his inimitable, addictive live performance style. International critics from Shanghai Magazine to Information Magazine in Denmark have commented on both his R&B/classical/theatre chops and a magnetic connection with the crowd, which through word of mouth alone has sold out public venues from National Sawdust to 54 Below and to packed SoHo House solo concerts on both sides of the pond. He has spent the pandemic crafting an album with a brand-new sound (coming soon) in West Hollywood where he was awarded the city's performer-artist grant in 2021. He most recently made his off-West-End debut this year in a solo show directed by Tony-winner FrancesRuffelle.

Dec 15

A “Proper” Natti Vogel Concert featuring his all-star chamber orchestra