With lyricism influenced by the poetry of Eastern Europe and Armenian folk songs and the modalities of classical, jazz, and improvisational music, Astghik Martirosyan’s compositions reflect the sensitivity and vulnerability of a particular moment in time.

November 19, 2023
7:30 pm
This event has passed

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Armenian born, New York City-based vocalist, composer, and pianist Astghik Martirosyan brings her powerful album Distance to National Sawdust. Distance is the product of intense reflection around the early days of the pandemic, when Astghik was in Boston and receiving daily news of the 45-day war from friends and family back in Armenia. Distance ponders the relationship between the present and the past, self and nation, and one’s inner emotional life and their homeland across seven compositions. With lyricism influenced by the poetry of Eastern Europe and Armenian folk songs and the modalities of classical, jazz, and improvisational music, these compositions reflect the sensitivity and vulnerability of a particular moment in time. This performance will feature Vardan Ovsepian on piano, Joe Martin on bass, and Ari Hoenig on drums.

Nov 19

Astghik Martirosyan presents her debut album “Distance”