Discover the most exciting new voices in opera and music-theatre! First launched in 2017-18, the BMP: Next Gen program was established to help Beth Morrison Projects, the country's leading producer of groundbreaking composer-driven performance, stay connected to a new generation of composers, singers and artists. Aspiring composers from coast to coast are invited to submit vocal works up to ten minutes in length.
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From these, ten semi-finalists will be chosen to have their work produced as part of this evening of new music. Don't miss your chance to see the future creative stars of contemporary vocal-theater! The selected semi-finalist composers will be announced at the November 24 performance.
From the ten finalists, two composers (chosen by a panel of invited professionals in the field) will be commissioned by BMP to create a new, original 30-minute work; semi-finalists will be announced . Ultimately, one of these two finalists will receive a commission for an evening-length work, including the development and world premiere production of their project by BMP.
About BMP: Next Gen
First launched in 2017-18, the BMP: Next Gen was created to empower and inspire the next wave of visionary composers, singers, and artists. By bridging the gap between academic study and professional artistry, this program nurtures emerging talents, offering them the platform and resources they need to revolutionize opera and music-theatre.