A chamber animated theater performance comprised of brown paper and a box of sand focusing on themes of transformation, loneliness, and the urge to fly featuring Julian Crouch, Saskia Lane, and Philip Roebuck.

February 3, 2024
6:00 pm
This event has passed

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Julian Crouch and Saskia Lane's BIRDHEART is an intimate and stunning chamber piece of animated theatre with a sheet of brown paper and a box of sand. A show about transformation, loneliness, and the urge to fly, BIRDHEART holds a hand-mirror up to humanity and offers it a chair. Through a series of animated images built in front of the audiences' eyes, BIRDHEART creates something achingly beautiful from the humblest of beginnings.

The Birdheart performance is preceded by some bird themed songs performed by Saskia and Julian, and led by the extraordinary musician Philip Roebuck. Singing along is encouraged!

Julian Crouch and Saskia Lane have been working together since 2006, creating extraordinary art in unusual places. Their use of live animation and puppetry techniques with everyday materials brings the inanimate to life. Together they marry original self-composed music with extraordinary visuals, creating works of universal appeal that reach out to audiences on an emotional level.

Previous collaborations include The Devil and Mister Punch for Improbable, The Seagull for the Lake Lucille Project, The Sweetest Life for BRIC Arts Media and The New Victory Theatre, and Jedermann and Mackie Messer for the Salzburg Festival.

BIRDHEART is a distillation of their artistic vision. It was created with the support of the HensonFoundation, The New Victory Theater, St. Ann’s Warehouse, VisionIntoArt and The Watermill Center. 

In the spirit of organic creative growth BIRDHEART is an ever-expanding table-top piece that responds to each audience and the respective environment. Conceived specifically as a show that can play both theatrical and non-theatrical spaces, BIRDHEART is light on its feet and easy to present in places with restricted access to the theatrical arts. As a non-verbal piece, BIRDHEART has proved immensely popular internationally, appealing to both young and old. It has been warmly received in the USA, the UK, Spain, Austria, Zimbabwe and Taiwan, and has had the honor of being selected to play in Brussels for the Dalai Lama as part of his Mind and Life symposium on Power and Care.

Feb 3

Julian Crouch and Saskia Lane’s BIRDHEART