Jazz vocalist and native New Yorker Martina DaSilva brings her project LIVING ROOM to a live audience for the first time ever at National Sawdust.

October 8, 2023
2:00 pm
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Jazz vocalist and native New Yorker Martina DaSilva brings her project LIVING ROOM to a live audience for the first time ever at National Sawdust. The LIVING ROOM functions as a video piece on New York's jazz community today, literally bringing us into DaSilva's home for authentic and intimate jazz performances. In early 2020, DaSilva set out to challenge herself to invite a group of friends and collaborators over to her house once a week to record a live performance of a song. DaSilva creative-directed the entire shoot on a shoe-string budget, immersing herself in the smallest visual details form the feel of the camerawork to what the band wore to create a distinctive DIY look to draw the viewer in.

About Martina DaSilva

Jazz vocalist Martina DaSilva, a New York City native, captivates audiences with her signature blend of daring technical virtuosity and expressive emotional sensitivity.  Drawing equally from the styles of early jazz, opera, and chamber music, her musicality transcends conventional genre labelling.  As a Brazilian-American, Martina also has a passion for performing the works of Brazilian composers. Martina has received high praise for her performances at the Kennedy Center, the Bern International Jazz Festival,  the Blue Note Jazz Festival, the NYC Hot Jazz Festival,  Jazz At Lincoln Center’s Generations in Jazz Festival, and the NY Winter Jazzfest.

Oct 8

Martina DaSilva and la reserve - LIVING ROOM