Please join National Sawdust for premiere performances of new compositions by Raven Chacon, Timothy Long, Connor Chee, Dawn Avery, Charles Shadle, Tim Archambult, and Sage Bond, performed by Jazmine Saunders, Kate Morton, Marion Newman, and Hai-Ting Chinn, with additional special performances by R. Carlos Nakai and The Martha Redbone Roots Project.

November 16, 2024
7:30 pm
This event has passed

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The highly anticipated World Premiere of the North American Indigenous Songbook showcases the exceptional talents of 21st century Native American composers. This historic event will feature Nine World Premieres by composers Raven Chacon, Timothy Long, Connor Chee, R. Carlos Nakai, Dawn Avery, Charles Shadle, Tim Archambult, Sage Bond, and Martha Redbone. Performed by an exceptional group of singers – Jazmine Saunders, Kate Morton, Marion Newman, and Hai-Ting Chinn – this momentous occasion celebrates the richness of Indigenous culture with an extraordinary new collection of American music.

This performance is made possible in partnership with The Plimpton Foundation.

Nov 16

World Premiere: The North American Indigenous Songbook