Freedom Doll represents a special iteration of Abyss X’s new material featuring a blend of folk, rock, and gospel music, dance, performance, and spoken word.

September 28, 2023
7:30 pm
This event has passed

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Artist, polymath, and songstress Evangelia VS aka Abyss X debuts her live performance Freedom Doll, an immersive exploration of modern-day womxnhood and post-internet living and loving. Named after her sophomore album, the performance piece Freedom Doll represents a special iteration of Abyss X’s new material featuring a blend of folk, rock, and gospel music, dance, performance, and spoken word. Abyss X’s playful movement, theatrics, and 4-octave vocal range innovate on the classic live concert stagecraft, providing a look into her own psychedelic mind. Abyss X will take the audience on a romantic escapade, joined by her band, Kai and Liz Scott from NYC's Trophy Hunt, and special guest Sigrid Lauren.

The album Freedom Doll is out September 8th via AD93.

About Abyss X

Evangelia VS is an artist of Cretan descent with a professional and academic background in dance, theatre, video and motion capture, with a degree in Computer Science by the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, a Master's in Performance from CSM in London and a Certificate in Music Business from UCLA. The former coder turned auteur is also known in the experimental and avant pop music world under her moniker Abyss X with releases on acclaimed music labels AD93, Halcyon Veil and Danse Noire. In the past fifteen years she has contributed choreography, movement direction and video design for productions by the Athens and Epidaurus Festival, the National Theatre of Greece, Edinburgh Fringe Festival, the Mediterranean Biennale and more. Musically she has collaborated with Grammy nominated producers SOPHIE and Rabit, New York artist Juliana Huxtable and Chinese pop futurist Rui Ho to name a few. She has toured Europe, Mexico, Asia and Australia with different types of shows, including live music and performance spectacles, installations and DJ sets, at numerous festivals, art and music spaces including 3537org, La Gaité Lyrique, ICA Miami, Southbank Centre (Royal Festival Hall, Purcell Room), La Casa Encendida, Vooruit, the Biennale of Moving Image (Geneva), Small Epidaurus Theatre, HAU2, DOKUFEST, Trauma Bar und Kino, MONOM (Funkhaus), Wysing Arts Centre, Tai Kwun (Hong Kong), Berghain, Tresor, Else, All Club, OIL, DADA, Inkonst and more. She is also the founder and artistic director of boutique experimental dance music festival Nature Loves Courage taking place in her beautiful homeland since 2019. The festival has become a staple in the music loving scene around the world for its capacity to create a space for collective manifestation, esoteric self-exploration and profound togetherness in the spirit of freedom of being and inclusivity.

Sep 28

Abyss X - Freedom Doll