‘Apollonian Circles’ is a multi-disciplinary musical concert and art installation experience that combines elements of electronic music, jazz, theater, and performance art. National Sawdust member presale begins 10/23, public on sale begins 10/25

January 16, 2024
8:00 pm
This event has passed

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‘Apollonian Circles’ is a multi-disciplinary musical concert and art installation experience that combines  elements of electronic music, jazz, theater, and performance art. Each performance hinges on audience  participation and improvisation guiding an ever-changing narrative of artistic expression – we are all  participants reflecting one another’s experience as if in a hall of mirrors.

This project explores the very definition of what audiences have come to expect from a traditional concert.  From the moment they arrive, attendees are transported to a mysterious dream-like space where the  unexpected can happen. In the literal center of the room is a large table (decorated with other-worldly  artifacts and ornaments) that is both stage and set piece for the performers and audience to gather.

Apollonian Circles is a constantly evolving musical live work, where concert formats and the relationship  between music, musicians and audiences are explored and challenged. Apollonian Circles grow out of a  constant longing for integration. We bring together artists, performers and ultimately audiences in a space  that feels wide open – yet artistically distinct and defined.

The music is composed and arranged by the Danish multi-instrumentalist Mikkel Hess and performed by his  band (“Hess Is More”) comprised of musicians from Copenhagen and New York and featuring notable  guests such as acclaimed singer Nomi Ruiz. The scenography is developed by Danish theater luminaries  Christian Friedländer and Dicki Lakha in collaboration with award winning director Tue Beiring and  costumes by fashion design superstar Henrik Vibskov.

Hess Is More started as a solo project for Danish artist Mikkel Hess and has over the years developed into a  circular transatlantic ensemble including musicians from Copenhagen, New York, and Berlin. Hess Is More  has released 9 albums and a long list of EP’s and singles – music sounding in the borderland between jazz,  kraut, electronica, pop, folk and more.

Hess Is More has a long tradition of interdisciplinary collaborations, including music for ballet, films, art installations and more. The ongoing interest in integrating music with other art forms has lately been  expressed in the concert series entitled “Apollonian Circles”.

Jan 16

Apollonian Circles: A unique concert series developed by Hess Is More