For this Fall 2023 installation of True To Our Native Land, Chief Ayanda Clarke will draw inspiration from contemporary expressions of African musical sensibilities worldwide as he reimagines traditional rhythms, songs, and folklore from across the African Diaspora.

November 4, 2023
7:30 pm
This event has passed

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The misperception that Africa is undeveloped, stagnant, and irrelevant is problematic in the 21st century. Chief Ayanda's True To Our Native Land is the cultural education program of THE FADARA GROUP and it seeks to correct that perception. True To Our Native Land features performances, lectures, and conversations all designed to help the public better appreciate traditional African and African Diaspora cultures.

For this Fall 2023 installation of True To Our Native Land, Chief Ayanda Clarke will draw inspiration from contemporary expressions of African musical sensibilities worldwide as he reimagines traditional rhythms, songs, and folklore from across the African Diaspora. Featuring traditional percussion ensembles from Ghana, Nigeria, and Cuba, THE FADARA GROUP’s high-energy, interactive performance will unlock the polyrhythm within you!

This event is co-presented and co-produced by THE FADARA GROUP and AKILA WORKSONGS.

About Chief Ayanda Clarke

Chief Ayanda Clarke is an esteemed African American master percussionist. He’s respected globally for his vast knowledge of music ranging from Hip Hop to traditional African music worldwide. The GRAMMY ® Award winner has performed or shared the stage with many greats, including Randy Weston, George Clinton, the Harry Belafonte band, Doug E. Fresh, Erykah Badu, and countless others. Select performing credits include Carnegie Hall, Lincoln Center, Good Morning America, The Late Show with David Letterman, and more. The Dalton School and Wesleyan University graduate has also performed, recorded, and licensed music that’s been featured on television, in film, and Off-Broadway.

Nov 4

Chief Ayanda Clarke and THE FADARA GROUP present True To Our Native Land - A Contemporary-Traditional African Cultural Performance