Jeremy Dutcher is a Two-Spirit song carrier, composer, activist, and ethnomusicologist from Tobique First Nation in Eastern Canada whose musical style blends the songs of his community with neoclassical, jazz, and pop influences.

September 19, 2023
7:30 pm
This event has passed

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Five years after rising to international acclaim with his seminal, award-winning album Wolastoqiyik Lintuwakonawa, Jeremy Dutcher returns to the stage with a new band and pivotal new music. Dutcher invites audiences to be transformed by music that is more personal and intimate than ever, yet pushes the boundaries of his unique sonic landscape.


This next sonic journey is rooted in an ancestor quote:

Tan qiniw iyuwok wasis kpomawsuwinuwok, 'tankeyutomon-oc kihtahkomikomon.

As long as there is a child among our people, we will protect the land.

Sep 19

Jeremy Dutcher