Award-winning jazz vocalist, composer, and educator Kavita Shah brings her latest album, Cape Verdean Blues to National Sawdust.

September 27, 2023
7:30 pm
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Award-winning jazz vocalist, composer, and educator Kavita Shah brings her latest album, Cape Verdean Blues to National Sawdust. Cape Verdean Blues is a 12-song album of mainly traditional Cape Verdean music, carefully curated as a tribute to morna singer Cesária Évora, the archipelago of Cape Verde, and its welcoming people. Kavita Shah blends a jazz approach with tradition to convey a sense of “sodade,” the Kriolu word for a melancholy sense of transience that encapsulates both the Cape Verdean experience and that of modern global migrants. Cape Verdean Blues is the culmination of a diaspora’s quest to find a spiritual home, a gift from Shah to the Cape Verdean people for providing that sense of home that has eluded her as the daughter of immigrants. Join us as Kavita Shah celebrates the music and warm-spirited people of Cape Verde, alongside master musicians from the islands: guitarist Bau (Cesária's former musical director), guitarist Jorge Almeida, percussionist Miroca Paris, and special guest vocalist Fantcha.

This concert is a co-presentation with WNYC’s New Sounds, hosted by John Schaefer, and will be recorded for broadcast on a future episode of the show.

About Kavita Shah

Kavita Shah is an award-winning vocalist, composer, ethnomusicology researcher, educator, and lifelong New Yorker hailed by NPR for possessing an "amazing dexterity for musical languages." Her original projects blending modern jazz, new music, and world traditions include Visions (2014), Folk Songs of Naboréa (2017), Interplay (2018, nominated for France's Victoires de la Musique for Jazz Album of the Year), and Cape Verdean Blues (forthcoming, 2023). Kavita performs her music at major concert halls, festivals, and clubs on six contents, and her work has been supported by New Music America, Chamber Music America, Jerome Foundation, Camargo Foundation, David Rockefeller Center for Latin American Studies, and Park Avenue Amory. Her collaborators include NEA Jazz Master Sheila Jordan, Martial Solal, MacArthur Genius Miguel Zenón, Lionel Loueke, François Moutin, and Miho Hazama.

Kavita holds a B.A. in Latin American Studies from Harvard, and M.M. in Jazz Voice from Manhattan School of Music, and speaks nine languages. A fierce advocate for gender and racial equity in the arts, she was also a founding member of the We Have A Voice Collective and the Ori-Gen Collective.

Sep 27

Kavita Shah - Cape Verdean Blues