TENGGER is a traveling musical family who create their brand of psychedelic New-Age drone magic through the use of Indian harmonium, voice, synths, and electronics.

October 2, 2023
7:30 pm
This event has passed

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Traveling musical family TENGGER stops by National Sawdust for a night of New Age drone magic. This family affair features the couple itta (Indian harmonium, vocals) and Marqido (synths and electronics) and their young son RAAI (toy instruments, vocals, synth, and dance), who joins them on stage. Previously called 10, itta and Marqido changed the group’s name to TENGGER (“unlimited expanse of sky” in Mongolian) to inaugurate the birth of their son. Inspired by their travels, the family's yearly pilgrimages are spiritual experiences that inform their artistic practice.

Oct 2